Persuasive language

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

In English today we analysed apps within the App Store. First we did it together as a class by reading the app description and identifying persuasive language used.

Then students worked in pairs or independently using iPads. They selected  an app they were interested in, and answered questions about the persuasive language. 

Following this, students were given an 'app blank' to create their own persuasive description of a real or made-up app. These will be read by another staff member (Mr Ruberry doesn't know it yet), and the most convincing advertisement chosen. Make sure you drop by to see them on display. 

Decimals to tenth and hundredths

Today we learnt to read, write and represent decimals to tenths and hundredths. 

Persuasive writing

Monday, October 10, 2016

This term we are looking at not only persuasive language in advertising but also the language and structure of persuasive writing. Today I modelled what planning should look like, as well as how to flesh out main points and examples into sentences. Students then planned in pairs key points of a different topic. 

Week 2

Reciprocal Reading

Thursday, August 25, 2016

This is an example of our small group reading sessions. We also have a 'role' to summarise that was not included in our clip.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Enjoying the muesli slice that we made during math yesterday!

Equivalent Fractions

Monday, August 22, 2016

Today in math rotations we baked! Students were given a recipe and had to double it before we made the slice. We talked a lot about equivalent fractions! And they're very impressed that they've made their for morning tea for tomorrow.


We were savouring the sunshine this morning when we listened to the next Rowan chapter outside.

8:50am bell

I'm so impressed with those students who know how to start their morning the right way. Reward cards 'punched' to those students who are organized, mental maths book open and on track by the 8:50am bell!

Week 7

Saturday, August 20, 2016