Spirit Night

Thursday, November 26, 2015

I think we can safely say that everyone was blown away by the standard of the production put on last night. The time spent rehearsing has clearly paid off!

**Click on the image for a larger view**



Christmas Carols

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Our school Christmas Carols are next Wednesday afternoon the 2nd December. Year 4 are singing the Australian version of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Come and join in the fun!

Spirit Night

If you haven't heard about Banksia's Spirit Night, you must have been living under a rock. Last night, students went through a full rehearsal in preparation for the show. We have 6 students from 4F participating. I hope you've got your tickets as it's going to be amazing!!

Here's a sneak peek.

Using iMovie in English

We had a very active English session yesterday. In small groups, students used iPads to film snippets of our school using iMovie. Students even managed an interview with Mrs King and Mr Hartshorn. They then needed to edit their clips, add sound and voice overs. Their aim is to create a persuasive advertisement for Banksia Beach State School. 

Where did that term go?!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Well it's week 8 and we are certainly on the home stretch to holidays.

Here is some of what we've been working on over the past couple of weeks: 

Revising money. Students had to add the coins on each card then put in order. We then played 'I have, who has?'  

We have also been working on time word problems and using number lines to solve. 

In English we have been analysing the persuasive features used on breakfast cereal boxes. First we did one together: 

Then students used the information to analyse cereal boxes in pairs. They then had to create a poster with this information.