Maths Challenge

Thursday, May 12, 2011

We have put a strong focus on learning quick facts to 10 over the next 5 weeks.  We are playing all sorts of games in class to try and make sure: we can recognise numbers to 10, we can write our numbers correctly, we know how to add up, and we get faster at adding.

Here is a fantastic website to practise quick facts.  I have told the students to start at +0, and move up from there once they get 100% in the time limit.


  1. Hi Mrs Thorburn, just another brilliant resource for us and our children, Thanks!

  2. Jess, could you please let me know how to shrink the certificates so they are the same size as the ones the children do in class? I have gone to print, preferences, selected postcard for size and OK then print and have not been successful:(
