Wash your face in orange juice!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We have our end of term concert tomorrow (Wednesday, 22nd June) in the hall at 2:00pm.  1C and 1D are singing Peter Combe's "Mr Clicketty Cane".  I warn you now it may stick in your head all day!

We would love to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic insight to the class. Congratulations.

    We have recently established a blog site that we would like to share with your pupils. It has been instigated to generate an understanding of the day to day life on a family farm in Central New South Wales.

    The target audience is infant/primary age children, and it is written from the perspective of our 4 year old daughter. The blog provides a chance for urban children to share the experiences of a farming child and too see it at a child's level.

    Our daughter loves the farm and we see it as only fitting that she share that love with other children.

    We have viewed your site and it appears that the site is used by both parents and educators to stay updated on school happenings and new educational opportunities. We were hoping that you might consider adding our blog site as a link on your site.

    We will endeavour to provide at least two blogs per week. We encourage comments and questions and will do our best to provide answers. Any feedback from you as educators would be greatly appreciated.

    We have established this blog site because we feel there is a need to close the gap between city and country residents. We DO NOT have any commercial or financial gains to make from the promotion of the blog site.

    There is no charge to view or subscribe to our blog and we have no commercial affiliations or interests other than sharing KT's life experiences with others.

    Please take the time to view our blog and we look forward to hearing from you.


    Kind Regards
    The Rutledge family
